Presented by Ricardo & Wasylik, PL


If there was any doubt in your mind that banks have been forging evidence, put it to rest. According to the New York Post, an internal Wells Fargo manual has now leaked confirming the exact procedures Wells and its attorneys use to fabricate evidence in foreclosure cases—down to the computer codes they use to order […]


Want to know more? Contact us at Ricardo & Wasylik, PL.

Fountain pens and foreclosures In these days of robo-signers and rocket-dockets, you can easily imagine losing your family home at the stroke of a pen—based on the signature on a perjured affidavit, or the order of a hurried judge—but how often have you heard of a home saved by the stroke of a pen? A […]


Want to know more? Contact us at Ricardo & Wasylik, PL.