Presented by Ricardo & Wasylik, PL

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Ricardo, Wasylik & Kaniuk Meet Other Foreclosure Fighters at Florida Bar Convention

by Mike on June 21, 2010

Foreclosure fighters at the annual Florida Bar Convention

Later this week, the Florida Bar will have its annual convention in Boca Raton, Florida. The lawyers of Ricardo, Wasylik, & Kaniuk PL will be there collaborating with other foreclosure fighters and meeting homeowner advocates from all over the state to coordinate our battle plan for the next year.

There are two events in particular that everyone needs to know about.

The War Room: Strategy Meeting for Tried-and-true Florida Foreclosure Defense Lawyers

Thursday, June 24, 5pm – 9pm (Boca Raton Resort)
The purpose of the War Room is to share strategies and identify best practices to fight the most unfair and deceptive practices of the Millionaire Foreclosure Mills representing the banks.

Foreclosure defense attorneys attending the Bar Convention are invited to attend. For details, contact event coordinator Matt Weidner at

Strategic Defense Unit

Friday, June 25, 9am-5pm (Boca Raton Resort)

The second event is open to non-lawyers fighting foreclosures of their own, and it’s a chance for the consumer advocates to meet each other and with the lawyers fighting in the trenches against the banks. In the words of the organizers, it’s a chance to “Network with the best attorneys / advocates in the state of Florida.”

This event is being hosted the the good folks who run and They are charging a $35 fee but it should be well-worth showing up

Want to know more? Contact us at Ricardo & Wasylik, PL.

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